26 February 2011

2 x 20 kg jerk:
15 x 1 min sets @/6reps/min

It's interesting how fatigue accumulates during repeats. After a few sets my heart rate would get to 140-150/min. Between the last several sets it was constantly aroubd 160-170. The technique also demand more attention as the workout progresses: more relaxed rack, stuck in shoulders at the top, deeper second dip, deeper more conscious breathing.

Wasn't too hard. The back is behaving. I hope to get back to 24s within the next couple of months.

Next thing: I strapped my new HR monitor to my chest and did:

12 kg snatch:
switch every 10 reps, 200 reps total
more of a back rehab set than anything plus testing my HRM

HR during the workout:
Min: 111
Avg: 163
Max: 193

Not too bad for a 48 year old I guess. According to the equation I have exceeded my Max HR. At no time I felt completely out of breath. Interesting how such small weight can get the HR right up. Says something about my low fitness level too, of course. Anyway, I am going to experiment with this toy some more to see if adds value to training.

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