14 September 2004

2 x 16 jerks: 11 sets of 10 reps, 1 min rest in between.
Average tempo 7-8 reps/min.

I may be wrong, but I disagree with those who say that sets of 10 don't have value. This session I did 110 reps, my best workout total so far (I know, I know, but shut up!) From the fourth set I really had to start thinking about pacing, paying attention to the rack and overhead positions, lowering the bells, breathing and other aspects of the technique. If I went for just one 5 minute set I could probably squeeze 50, maybe 55 reps, last ones being rather agonising semi-presses. However, by doing shorter sets with short breaks I managed to do more volume while paying attention to the form. They say short sets don't work your rack - I say nonsense, if you do enough of them they work your rack just fine. Even better, as you spend more time in that position.

Kill me, but for me as the beginner in this sport the most important task is building up volume and learning the technique. Pushing to the high intensity levels - and that is what long sets do - can get on the way of that. My opinion, of course, but so far I am a pupil happy with his results.

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