More on Jerk Training

A little while ago I received couple of articles from a GS MS in Russia. The one who frets about falling a few reps short of MSMC. I am not sure who wrote these articles, but I trust this guy's choice. Here is short summary of the recommendations on training for jerk.

The technique.

In order to be good at jerk one has to have strong legs. It makes sense, as the muscles of the legs are much stronger than those of the arms, and it is reasonable to use them maximally during this lift. During the first dip - or rather coming out of it - you push the bells that are resting on the chest right up. Second dip allows reducing the effort necessary to lift the bells. Arm get involved only when the giri are already close to the top, or for fixation. After fixation the bells are dropped onto the chest, and during this phase the arms must be maximally relaxed.

If you want to be able to perform jerk for the whole ten minutes it is important to train cardio-respiratory endurance. This is achieved by doing cyclic sports activity, such as cycling, running, skiing and rowing). Moreover, the most important is the duration of the activity rather than intensity. In other words, it is better to run 10 - 15 km slowly than 1 - 2 km fast.

Assistance exercises.

1. In the beginning stages of training it is recommended to perform static hold in the rack position for as long as possible. It helps to find the most optimal and comfortable position of bells on the chest. It is important to find the way to keep kettlebells on the chest with the muscles maximally relaxed. For that the elbows must be resting on either the hips or the belt. The weight of the bells must be gradually increased, and it is better to use the weight higher than that used in competition.

2. Static holds in top position. Again, you should try and make sure that the muscles of the arms and shoulders are maximally relaxed. This is possible only if the flexibility of the shoulders and elbows is adequate.

These two exercises may be combined in the following way. Jerk two bells and hold them for maximum time in the top position. Then drop them on the chest and hold them for the same duration as in the previous position. Repeat up to 10 minutes or longer, 3 to 6 sets in total. Like with any exercise it is important to increase the duration and the load gradually, so that first time you should not do more than one set.

Even better training effect is achieved by walking with the bells in the top position either on the even surface or stairs.

3. For developing leg muscles it is recommended to do squats with kettlebells in the rack position. You must do them as fast as you can and the elbows should be as close to the body as possible. Up to 6 sets of 20 reps are recommended.

4. In order to develop delts and triceps one should do presses, one or two arms. If you cannot do simultaneous two arm presses alternate arms (see-saw press by Pavel). 3-6 sets of 20 repetitions.

Training methods.

1. Gradual method.

The number of repetitions increases from set to set. In the first set the number of reps is 20% of the maximum. During the next sets the number increases and reaches 60 – 80% in the last set, depending on the athlete’s ability. The number of sets is 5 – 6.

The advantage of this method is that earlier sets serve as a warm-up, therefore reducing the chance of trauma with higher loads.

2. Pyramid method.

As an example let’s consider the session with 6 sets. In the first set you perform 20% reps of your max, the second – 40%, third and fourth – 60 – 70%, these are main sets. Then in the fifth set – 30 – 40% and the sixth – 25%. Last sets are the most difficult as the athlete is tired after the 3rd and 4th sets. It is recommended to do an additional set with lighter bells.

3. Equal load method.

The number of reps in every set does not change. For instance, 6 sets of 50% reps of max.

4-6. Timed sets.

Same as the three methods above, but instead of repetitions you go for time. Timed pyramid method, for example, would look like this:

1 set – 2 min
2 set – 4 min
3 set – 6 min
4 set – 6 min
5 set – 4min
6 set – 2 min

The duration depends on the abilities of the athlete. Apparently timed method is more commonly used by athletes over 70 kg and those who can show high result (more than 100 reps with 32 kg in 10 minutes).

7. Maximal load method.

Only 3 sets. In the first set the load is 10 – 15% of maximal, second – 90 – 105%, third – 45 – 50% of max. This method of training should not be used for a long time as there is the potential for overtraining. It also should not be used more than twice a week. This method is often used by athletes with the bodyweight below 70 kg.

Therefore, there are seven basic methods of training of jerk. If one method is used for a prolonged period of time the body adapts to training and progress stops. Therefore it makes sense to alternate these methods. If every method is used for 2-3 months alternated with the periods of active rest, they will comprise the annual cycle – or macrocycle. It will consist of mesocycles – 2 – 3 months each which will contain microcycles – 1 – 2 weeks.

At the end of the day each athlete has to choose the method that works for him. There is not much research on training methods for jerk, so every method has to be tried personally.


Anonymous said...

Thats from andreys ebook


Smet said...

Maybe. As I said, I received it from Wolf, the guy from Rybinsk GS forum.