10 October 2009

20 kg snatch:
switch every 20 reps
190 reps total (last switches at 15 reps)

I haven't touched kettlebells for a week, and that's probably the reason it felt so hard today. My forearms are killing me and I am seriously out of breath.

By the way, just an interesting question: why is it that after you stop intensive exercise for the first minute of rest it feels worse than during actual exercise? No catch, I have no idea.


Ataraxium said...

I figure that your system is in a process of recovery after immediate stress of working out.

Kind of like the initial moments after an adrenaline rush feel like hell. The body is still adjusting to the change.

Just a guess.

girevikdavid said...

I think there are a couple of dimensions to that question - Physiological and cognitive.

First of all, what feels worse? When I snatch my forearms and hands become very vascularized and they seem to hurt more for a few minutes after I quit than during the movement.

From the CP perspective, when I quit a hard set there is unwanted memory of how similar what I'm experiencing is to the two MIs I've had. It gets better over time, but is still there so there is an element of panic relative to the meaning of the discomfort. while doing the set I'm pretty good at keeping that garbage out of my consciousness but when I quit it seeps in at times depending on how deep I've dug (relative to MHR).