Missed wisdom of Lorraine Patten

Sitting doing nothing and browsing the Net I came across the article by Lorraine Patten on Dragondoor, Navigating Girevoy Sport Training. I was always under the impression that Lorraine follows AKC methodology of long timed sets. This article showed that I was wrong, and from what I've seen around, Lorraine's methodology is the most scientifically sound. So, what's so different about it? You can read the article at http://www.dragondoor.com/articler/mode3/416/ Here I am only going to go through points that drew my attention.

First of all, this methodology alternates between three phases of training: strength, volume and GS-specific work. During strength phase Lorraine does squats, deadlifts and otherbasic lifts for two months, with no snatching during the first month. During volume phase that also lasts two months volume is built. Interestingly, Lorraine is the first Westerner who mentions working one ar at a time. The only other place where I have seen this method mentioned is one of the Russian GS forums.

Finally - GS-specific work, and this phase lasts four to six weeks max. During this phase Lorraine does max sets. Again, she often works one arm at a time: left to the max, long rest, then right to the max.

Final important point is that GS requires continuous analysis: what is your weakness and how you can address it.

As I said, this article is the first example of a structured GS program I have seen anywhere except from Russian sources. In fact, it is the first example of what can be called Block Training in GS, which I have not seen anywhere, full stop. And this methodology works: it was mentioned in the article that Lorraine did 126 reps of snatches at GS competition in San Diego in 2007. Lorraine is a dentist and fits the profile of the audience this blog is aimed for, those over 40, and this makes the article particularly valuable. One thing is to read about methods used by some 20 year old champion, quite another to discover the method that worked for someone who started GS later in life and achieved good results. Thanks for sharing your experience Lorraine!


Ataraxium said...

Cool find Eugene. I am currently in the 2nd phase of my own GS training that is fairly similar in that it follows a basic strength, volume, refinement/GS/competition schedule.

Nice to see something other than progressive AKC stuff.

hunashaman said...

Hi Eugene

What is your email address? I promise I won't spam you but I would really like to have some chats with you that might not be for general consumption. I am currently following a high volume (as opposed to timed sets) methodology and my numbers are climbing steadily. My email address is hunashaman@mweb.co.za if you would like to get in touch. Regards. Johan

Unknown said...

Smet, do you remember that about a year ago you said you'd begun translating Faleev's "Anti-McRoberts" but then stopped after Pavel's Faleev article?

Would you consider finishing the project? Or giving us one of your digests?

Many thanks,

Smet said...

Jason, ok,I will try to give it a go. Even though it is not related to GS.

Unknown said...

Hurray! Thanks.