Video feedback

I want to thank everyone who posted comments to the videos in the last post. I think that it is a good idea to film your lifting as it is very revealing. One thing is to feel the lifts, quite another to watch them from the outside.

There are several points in my LC that need addressing. I am going to briefly go through them here, so those with similar mistakes may hopefully benefit as well.

Cleans. Too high. To my defence I must mention that couple of months ago they were better. I am being very careful with the impact and probably that's why overdoing the landing on the chest. One solution suggested by Wild Bill is to try cleans at high rep per minute. This way the speed will force you to land the bells more precisely.

Another issue - very common - lockouts. I am generally paying attention to make sure to lock the elbows and hold the top position for half a second. Looks it is not enough. As mentioned by David, static holds are good for correcting this problem. Lots of Russian coaches recommend 30 seconds alternating rack/top holds. They are also great for endurance: your muscles will be buzzing.

Losing the contact of elbows with the hips during the first dip. One solution: watch it and don't do it. By the way, static holds at the bottom of the first dip are also useful for correcting this.

Thanks again for the input. I am going to move onto the 3 minute sets next session and eventually build up the volume to 6 sets. Videos to follow.

1 comment:

KB Trainer said...

Smet said:Lots of Russian coaches recommend 30 seconds alternating rack/top holds."
This is true you may use this method,I would sugest using 15 sec interval,alternating rack/top for 3-5 min non-stop.