4 August 2009

2 x 16 kg LC:
6 reps/min, 10 minutes
60 reps

2 x 16 kg Jerk
30 reps/3 min (no belt)
30 reps/30 min (with belt)

Long sets definitely have their flavor. A minute into the LC set I was sure I am not going to last. But as the set progressed I tried to use the 10 seconds Gymboss interval for some rest in rack, as well as taking extra breaths on the top. Honestly, I cannot be sure about the quality of the lockout, especially during the last few minutes. These 60 LC reps is my PR by the way, no matter how modest.

In any case, I completed the first progression of Russian EDT for LC and will now increase the weight of the bells to 17 kg - by one kilo. Next week is back to ten 1 minute sets. The low density of the first step of the progression is sort of built in periodization in the method. I sure will be ok with easier workout next time.


Tommy D said...

Congratulations on the PR, that is no small achievement!


Alexander said...

I agree with Tommy - congrats!