14 February 2009

It is not an official workout, just trying to get tired in order to overcome insomnia: it is 1:20 am. It's fucked up, of course, but I really don't like sleeping pills, they make me grumpy the next day. In the spirit of the Crossfit I should name this workout "midnight express"... The name changes if it is done during the day, obviously.

20 kg OA paced press:
20 reps/arm x 2 sets

Planning to go for a long run tomorrow (later today).


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of over 40 insomnia. Interesting factoid - someone told me that review of historical journals suggested that the 8 hour sleep night may be an artifact of industrialization. Journals pre-industrial revolution frequently indicated entries in the middle of the night. Get up, write a couple of hours, go back to sleep. Or in our case - get up, lift a little, go back to sleep. :)

Smet said...

Maybe I should start writing a book... I remember some movie where the main character was sleeping from 8 pm. to midnight and then from 8 am. to noon. This way he had a "day-day" and "night-day". Interesting about pre-industrial revolution sleep patterns though.

Peter said...

you can buy melatonin from the the Life Extension Organisation at lef.com in the States.

brilliant for lights out and leaves you well rested. and besides it has a host of side benefits one of which is that it is anti ageing.

the only way that you can get in Australian is through a compounding chemist.

ive been using it for years and it is excellent.


Smet said...

Peter, what dose are you using or would recommend to start with?

Peter said...

Eugene, it depends on your physiology... probably best to start at a 3mg dose and over time or when the bottle is finished you could try and lower it to 1mg and see if that works. And thats what i'm on at 1mg.

Good luck with it. More people should take it, its a remarkable substance.

Smet said...

Thanks Peter. I have ordered 0.5 mg at the compounding chemist today (got the dose idea from the Net). I will report what it does to me.

Peter said...

your welcome, anytime.