10 April 2009

Today I am away from home. My 20 kg kettlebell is at the workshop, its handle being professionally polished. The worksho is specializing in electroplating, and it is very tempting to ask them to strip the bell off its paint completely and cover it with nickel! Anyway, it is Good Friday and the gyms are closed. The only thing left for me is

3 km outdoor run, 20 minutes

I am pleased to notice that my running is gradually getting better. Talk about doing things regularly. I wonder though why outdoor running seems to be harder than treadmill. The cooling fans, TV with sports and videos of pretty singing girls to distract from the strain? Maybe.

Going to do some stretching, handstands and skipping rope.


Mick Valentine said...

any chance of posting a pic of the "polished" bell? oh, and we should catch up for a training session,i live in the Eastern Suburbs so it shouldn't be a problem.......


Randy Hauer said...

The treadmill is easier because you aren't really running...the motor moves the road for you. If you put the treadmill on 2-3% incline it will more closely simulate flat road conditions.