31 October 2009

2 x 19 kg static holds:
30 sec rack/30 sec overhead
managed only 5 minutes

Definitely valuable. Definitely overlooked.

2 x 19 kg jerks:
2 min sets x 3 , 8 reps/min
48 reps total

Interesting, my biggest problem for now is pain in the hands, where the handles of the bells are sitting. The heel of the hand. The pressure of the metal at times becomes unbearable.

Now, the question: how do you count the volume of static holds?


Unknown said...

Weight X Seconds (minutes) = Volume

Time is the only variable that would show progress in volume with a given weight.

Smet said...
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Smet said...

Are you talking regarding static holds or sets in general?

Unknown said...


You can set it up pretty much anyway you would like. You just need to keep consistency in it's use. Sets in this case would just contribute to over time as each set is just a "hold". The weight is the "fixed" variable. So for example, 20kgs x 180 sec ( 3 sets of one minute holds) = 3600. This would be your static volume for that workout and a baseline to judge further progress. Hope this helps some.