27 January 2009

2 x 18 kg jerk:
50 reps/slightly over 7 minutes

24 kg snatch:


Ron Ipock said...

Hi, I was curious about the Russian for "courage corner." Pavel writes about these makeshift military gyms and many gyms around the world use "courage corner" in the name of their business. But what is it in Russian. I have a dictionary and I can find the individual words for "courage" and "corner" but I know that the phrase "courage corner" entails more than just putting oogol and hrabrosti, for example, together.

Smet said...


Actually, it is as simple as that: "oogol hrabrosti" (rather "oogolok"). Russian language is quite straightforward in terms of construction of sentences.

Ron Ipock said...

thanks a lot. By the way, how are those 24kg snatches feeling? At the new year, I moved on from 16kg snatches to 24kg. My technique is still patchy. Sometimes the kettlebells land light as a feather and sometimes they land like a brick. When they land heavy it takes some doing to stabilize the lockout and that takes its toll. Once I get my technique squared away, I will be on my way toward earning a razryad VII rating at a meet.

Smet said...

Ron, those snatches are feeling heavy. As you might notice, I neglected snatches in my training in favor of jerks. I think I will catch up with snatches quickly though.