1 December 2009

Treadmill run:
6.6 km in 44 minutes.

Several accelerations in the process. Not particularly impressive.


Anonymous said...

Hi Eugene, looks like you are going great.
I have been tracking your blog and see you do different workout that include runs..
Do you have a schedule or objectives that you follow?
I am interested to know. I am turing 51 in January and has been meddling with KBs over the past few months. Tried to do it 3 times a week but sometimes I felt tired, I may have overwork and change to 2times a week.
My aim is similar with yours - to keep fit and enough strength to carry my own weight.
I am from Singapore.
Patrick Tan

Smet said...


I follow the Russian EDT progression. If you do a serach on my blog it will come up. I also run when I feel like it.

I think it makes sense to reduce frequency of training if you feel too tired. Alternatively you can make some sessions very easy.

Good luck